Wednesday 25 January 2012

My big sister's wedding

I have always loooovvvveee weddings! And when it comes to my big sis' wedding, I was working on it as much as I thought it was mine :P and the result was: Alhamdulillah..everything went well and everyone had never been happier :D

This beautiful piece was taken this evening by Amri. Barakallahulakuma wa barakah a'laikuma wa jamaa' baina kuma fi khair to my big sis and my bil!*while mumbling to the sound of Maher Zain, I hope I got it right tho :P * 

P/s: Stay tune because I'm planning a big project ahead!


Kambenggurun said...

cantiknye gambar! shoot kat mana ni wawa?

Wawa said...

Tq so much cika!kat upm :)